Intergenerational learning and cooperation: A perspective of preschool teachers

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Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec
Dragan Partalo
Aleksandra Sindic


The study explores intergenerational learning and cooperation in kindergarten. Given the importance of intergenerational learning in education and recognizing that intergenerational learning in kindergarten takes place in many and different interactions between different participants (preschool teachers, children, parents, grandparents, etc.), the perspective of preschool teachers on intergenerational learning was studied. The aim was to explore the perspective of preschool teachers on the factors of intergenerational learning and cooperation in kindergarten. A quantitative research paradigm that has cross-sectional design features was used. An online scaling technique was used to collect relevant data. Consistent with ethical considerations, data collection was voluntary and anonymous. Factor analysis identified three factors that indicate the perspective of Slovenian preschool teachers on intergenerational learning: challenges of intergenerational interaction, social (cohesion), professional and personal wellbeing and innovative intergenerational learning practices grouped into two polarized dimensions.


Keywords: intergenerational learning, innovative practices, intergenerational interaction, social cohesion, preschool teachers.


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How to Cite
Lepičnik Vodopivec, J., Partalo, D., & Sindic, A. (2022). Intergenerational learning and cooperation: A perspective of preschool teachers. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(8), 2877–2887.