Digital technologies integration in the classroom. A teacher’s perspective

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Rafail Prodani
Silvja Çobani
Aigars Andersons
Jozef Bushati


This paper focuses on determining and analyzing the factors which lead high school teachers in southeastern Albania to integrate digital technologies in the classroom. For this purpose, a survey was conducted. Factor analysis was used to determine the factors and the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the correlation of these factors. This method proved to be stable and reliable and can be recommended for use in educational technology research. Based on the factors’ inter-correlations, an apparent result is that: a better knowledge of software applications positively influences teachers’ digital technology use and their self-confidence. It also increases teachers’ motivation to use digital technologies in the classroom. Competence seems to be the most relevant factor that influences teachers to integrate digital technologies in the classroom.


Keywords: digital technologies, competence, factor analysis, teaching, high school;


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How to Cite
Prodani, R., Çobani, S., Andersons, A. ., & Bushati, J. (2022). Digital technologies integration in the classroom. A teacher’s perspective . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(8), 2823–2837.