Exploration the skills of teachers: Implementation technological pedagogical content knowledge

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Muh. Tawil
Alimuddin Tampa
Muhammad Amin Said
Kemala Suryansari


Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is urgently needed by science teachers in schools in the 21st century. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of teachers in applying the TPACK model. Regarding effectiveness, there is a statistically significant increase in alpha 0.05, which is the average score of teacher skills for classes A and B; the average normalised gain (n-gain) score for minimum teacher skills is in the medium category; there is no statistically significant difference in the alpha 0.05 average score of n-gain skills of teachers of classes A and B; the minimum effect size is in the medium category. The research sample consisted of 70 junior high school natural science teachers, each class with 35 teachers. The collected data were analysed using paired sample t-test, n-gain calculation and effect size. The results showed that the increase in teacher skill scores was significant; the average n-gain score of teachers’ skills was in the medium category; the average score of the average n-gain of teachers’ skills was not different between classes A and B; and the effect size is in the moderate effect category. The conclusion of this study is that teacher professional education programme activities are effective in implementing the TPACK model. The TPACK model can improve the skills of teachers’ higher-order thinking skills in teaching science in schools.

Keywords: Science, teacher, technological, pedagogical, content knowledge


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How to Cite
Tawil, M., Tampa, A., Said, M. A., & Suryansari, K. (2022). Exploration the skills of teachers: Implementation technological pedagogical content knowledge. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(12), 4713–4733. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v17i12.8593