Investigation the Effects of Total Quality Management Implementations on Organizational Performance in Production Corporations: The Sample of Ankara-Ostim

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Aysel Çetindere Filiz
Cengiz Duran
Selma Özden


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) applications on organizational performance depends on Production Performance (PP) within context of this aim it is made Anova, correlation and regression analyses by the results of survey data in production corporations that implement TQM and Quality Management Systems (QMS). As a result of these analyses although positive relationship is found between TQM and corporation performance, it is not found explanatory relationship between TQM implementation degree and PP degree.


Keywords: Total quality management, organizational performance, production performance;


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How to Cite
Filiz, A. Çetindere, Duran, C., & Özden, S. (2017). Investigation the Effects of Total Quality Management Implementations on Organizational Performance in Production Corporations: The Sample of Ankara-Ostim. Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 7(1), 25–33.


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