Study and analysis on the transversal competences of VET trainers/teachers & guidance professionals on the framework of the TrainVet4Jobs European project

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Antoni Morro Prats
Luis Tudela Villalonga


In the framework of the project called Trainvet4Jobs, funded for the Leonardo Transfer of Innovation program with the support from European Commission, FUEIB have conducted a study on the needs that must have the VET Trainers/Teachers and Guidance Professionals on transversal competences, which are necessary to improve the trainee’s employability.From a questionnaire designed and directed to these groups in 6 European countries (Spain, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Estonia and Italy), different dimensions has been analyzed in this study: the importance that these professionals give to these skills; the way to improve them; and the principal obstacles, the barriers and difficulties in implementing the transversal competences. The analysis of the results have provided interesting conclusions, such as the identification and definition of the most priority and useful transversal competences for the development of the professional tasks, the means used to obtain these skills, and if these stakeholders are competent for their implementation.

Key words: Transversal Skills, VET professionals, Training Needs



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How to Cite
Prats, A. M., & Villalonga, L. T. (2018). Study and analysis on the transversal competences of VET trainers/teachers & guidance professionals on the framework of the TrainVet4Jobs European project. Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools: Current Perspectives, 8(1), 01–07.