The Most Common Cases and Counseling Approaches in School Counseling –An Istanbul Sample-

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Kamile Gamze Yaman
Derya Eryiğit


The aim of this study is to find out numerous situations and counseling approaches that school counselors are likely to encounter during their training and the first five years of practice. We believe that attention to the various theoretical approaches that can be applied to resolve different cases will better prepare school counselors to deal with each dilemma using an efficient approach to school counseling. Thus it is important to know the most common cases seen and counseling approaches used in school counseling to prepare school counseling students to the profession. In order to achieve data about school counseling cases and approaches, fourteen high school counselors from public and private schools are interviewed with semi structured questionnaire prepared by researchers. School counselors are asked about the cases that they see the most, the approaches that they use with these cases, support systems that they seek for and therapy trainings that they take after their graduation from college.  Study group is settled with random sampling from schools in different districts of Istanbul that have school counselor with at least one year experience. The results are analyzed with thematic analysis.


Key words: school counseling, counseling cases, counseling approaches, school counselor education.







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How to Cite
Yaman, K. G., & Eryiğit, D. (2016). The Most Common Cases and Counseling Approaches in School Counseling –An Istanbul Sample-. Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools: Current Perspectives, 6(3), 53–60.


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