Differences in anger, aggression, bullying among adolescents in different self-esteem groups

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Dovile Valiune
Aidas Perminas


The purpose of the study was to compare anger, aggression, bullying among adolescents in three self-esteem groups. Rosenberg Self-esteem scale and Buss & Perry Aggression questionnaire were used for the study. Bullying was measured with questions:  How often have you been bullied by other students? How often have you bullied someone? 575 adolescents participated in the study. Results showed that the scores of physical aggression, anger, hostility, bullying victims were  significantly higher in lowest self-esteem group compared with middle and high self-esteem groups among girls. It was found that the scores of anger were significantly higher in lowest self-esteem group compared with middle and high self-esteem groups among boys. The scores of hostility were significantly higher in lowest self-esteem group compared with middle and highest self-esteem groups among boys. Also the hostility was significantly higher in middle self-esteem group compared with the highest self-esteem group among boys. The scores of bullying victims were significantly higher in lowest self-esteem group compared with highest self-esteem groups among boys. The results indicated that the issue of adolescent anger related problem such hostility, bullying victims, self-esteem must be underlined in educational and counseling programs.



Keywords: anger; aggression; bullying; self-esteem; adolescence.




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How to Cite
Valiune, D., & Perminas, A. (2016). Differences in anger, aggression, bullying among adolescents in different self-esteem groups. Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools: Current Perspectives, 6(3), 61–67. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjgc.v6i3.1442


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