Psynnova IBMT module as an intervention against changes in the behaviour of low-performing civil servants in Malaysia

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This research are discusses the effectiveness of the Psynnova i-Behavior Modification Technique module on the behavioral change of low performing civil servants in Malaysia. The low-performing staffs are those who scored below 60% on Annual Performance Assessment Report (LNPT) in 2015. The Public Service Department (PSD) has created a program called IBMT Psynnova Program for 5 days 4 nights for those who have gone through the selection phases that is having been through counseling sessions and showed no changes, thus sent for this program. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a module called Psynnova Module on behavioral change through five dimensions among low-performing officers in the civil service. Additionally, the objective of this study is also to identify the five dimensional levels of cognitive and rationality, emotional stability, adaptability and alignment of behavior, social skills development as well as psycho-spiritual level improvement before and after the intervention. In addition, it determines the change of respondents through these 5 dimensions in O1 and O3. Apart from that, the planning of this study is also to look in detail to find out the behavioral change of low performing officers through the 5 dimensions found in the Psynnova Module. The five main dimensions are cognitive and rational improvement, emotional stability, behavioral adaptability and alignment, social skills development and psycho-spiritual level enhancements. It is expected that a total of 100 respondents will participate involving five ministries with the highest number of low-performing officers.  This study will be conducted using quasi-experimental method of One Group Pre & Post Test using Basic Data Time Series Design. It will be conducted according to the monitoring period which is after three months interventions are carried out. The questionnaire to be used has undergone content validity sessions by the appointed experts. For all of the content validity, the results show that the value of the evaluated content validity by the appointed experts acquired a high coefficient of 0.745 with a minimum and maximum value of more than 0.75 which satisfies Content Value Ratio stated by Wilson (2012). According to Wilson, Pan, & Schumsky 2012, they use CVR = 0.75 and above, indicating that the validity acceptability is high and it can be used as each item is understood and meaningful to each subscale. Specifically, the alignment and adjustment of behaviour subscale have the highest validity of 0.804, followed by social skills development subscale: 0.796, improvement of psycho-spiritual level subscale: 0.766, cognitive and rational improvement subscale of 0.746 and lastly the emotional stability subscale: 0.742. Therefore, this study has succeeded in obtaining high validity results and can be used in the study of behavioural change of the low performing officers in the civil service.

 Keywords: Counseling; psychology; behavioral changes; work performance; public services, 5 dimensions, face validity, content validity


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How to Cite
Psynnova IBMT module as an intervention against changes in the behaviour of low-performing civil servants in Malaysia. (2018). Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools: Current Perspectives, 8(1), 17–27.