Emotional intellengence in university students

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Mualla Yılmaz
Meral Altiok
Zeliha Yaman
Sevgi Seyrek
Yagmur Surmeli
Mehmet Ali Sungur


This study was conducted to determine the status of university students' emotional intelligence. The sample of this descriptive research is composed of students who have stuidied at a four year university. They are selected according to criteria of faculty and gender based on the random sampling.  The data was collected using "Personal Information Form", Bar-On Emotional Intellegent Inventory. Mean, standard deviation, Independent Samples t-test, one way ANOVA tests were used for the evaluation. This study, female university students' emotional intelligence total scale and all of subscale of the mean scores were determined to be higher than male students. The emotional intellegence of the university students who are training in physical sciences was determined to be higher than that of students studying in other sections. The emotional intellegence of the university students who are training in the first class was determined to be higher than the students studying in other classes. Results: In this study, female university students' emotional intelligence total scale and all of subscale of the mean scores were determined to be higher than male students. The emotional intellegence of the university students who are training in physical sciences was determined to be higher than that of students studying in other sections. The emotional intellegence of the university students who are training in the first class was determined to be higher than the students studying in other classes.


Keywords: University, student, emotional intelligence


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How to Cite
Yılmaz, M., Altiok, M., Yaman, Z., Seyrek, S., Surmeli, Y., & Sungur, M. A. (2016). Emotional intellengence in university students. Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools: Current Perspectives, 5(2), 67–71. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjgc.v5i2.463

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