Message from Editor

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Prof. Dr. Nilgün Sarp


Message from Editor


Dear Readers,


It is a great honor for us to publish first issue of International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences (IJETHS).


International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences (IJETHS) is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal which provides a scientific platform for presenting and discussing new trends and issues in health sciences. It is an international journal intended for professionals and researchers in all fields of health sciences. The journal publishes original researches, surveys and review articles of all the disciplines of health sciences and it comprises comprehensive leading and current trends in health sciences. The journal is an online refereed academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world, and welcoming any contributions all kinds of scientific works in any disciplines of health sciences. 


A total number of eight (8) manuscripts were submitted for this issue and each paper has been subjected to double-blind peer review process by the reviewers specialized in the related field. At the end of the review process, a total number of three (3) high quality research papers were selected and accepted for publication.


We begin with publishing three (3) articles in this issue. Our target is to increase readability and visibility of the journal and include the journal in prestigious indexes involving Web of Science, SCOPUS and PubMed in the future. Accordingly, aim of this issue is to give the researchers an opportunity to share the results of their academic studies. Handan Boztepe, Ayse Ay and Sevil Cinar carried out a research to identify the toddler (3-6 years) children’s experiences during hospitalization. Funda Ozpulat and Nevin Gunaydin examined the opinions of nursing students regarding their occupation. Finally, Perihan Senel Tekin and Nazan Torun investigated the factors related strategic leader actions in Turkish public healthcare management and perceived achievement.


We present many thanks to all the contributors who helped us to publish this issue.


Best regards,


Prof. Dr. Nilgun Sarp


Editor – in Chief


Article Details

How to Cite
Sarp, P. D. N. (2017). Message from Editor. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences, 1(1), I. Retrieved from