Message from Editor in chief

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Nilgun Sarp


Dear reader,

We are delighted to publish Volume 5, number 1 of  “International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences (IJ-HS)”. The health sector has been under pressure recently. The COVID-19 Pandemic has affected the health of the masses, and most countries have lost quite a large number of people. The World is however recovering from the effects of the pandemic. Nonetheless, there is still a need to protect ourselves as much as we can.

Although the Pandemic has been the major health concern in recent times, there is a need to pay attention to other health issues that are equally detrimental to the health of individuals. The aim of this publication is to present to our readers, studies concerning some major health topics. The topics included in this publication include the following: Pulmonary complications after open heart surgery: A retrospective study; Predicting the Nutrition Quality of Food Products with Machine Learning. The topics in this publication are authored by seasoned researchers from Jordan and Turkey.

We would like to thank all the contributors to this publication.


Dear Reader, Enjoy Reading!!

Best Regards

Nilgun Sarp, Editor in chief


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How to Cite
Sarp, N. . (2021). Message from Editor in chief . International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences, 5(1). Retrieved from