Message from Editor in chief

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Nilgun Sarp


Dear Reader,

Thank you for showing interest in the publication of the Volume 5, Issue 2 of the International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences. The health sector has been the hot topic area this year, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. As a result, there have been several researches in health-related issues, but mostly on the pandemic. This publication aims to present to our readers selected topics on health issues in adolescents, children, and students.

After a careful review of the submitted papers, three papers were selected that truly reflect the aim of this publication. The selected papers were authored by researchers from Iran and Turkey. The selected topics are: Investigating the relationship between social networks and social health of students; The effect of dentist gender on the anxiety level of visiting children; Symptoms and symptom clusters in adolescents with cancer.

We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our researchers and seasoned publication team who constantly make efforts to maintain the journal’s standard.

Dear Reader, Enjoy reading!!

Prof. Dr. Nilgun Sarp,




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How to Cite
Sarp, N. (2021). Message from Editor in chief. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Health Sciences, 5(2). Retrieved from