Verbal and Non-verbal Means of Communication in Teaching Foreign Language

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Gulden Tussupova
Assel T. Temirbekova
Kamila K. Kerimbayeva


Teaching foreign languages takes one of the most important places in educational process in Kazakhstan. Nowadays learning foreign language in higher educational institutions is connected with educational aims and wide range of business and cultural communication with foreign countries. Communication in foreign language using appropriate style in definite fields or various situations may vary according to the time and may be considered as an object in scientific project. It is necessary to mention that results of such research are extremely important for development of relations, effectiveness of communication, and achievement of communication goals in professional activity by modern learners. The purpose of study is the selection of educational materials and using them in teaching foreign language, taking into account verbal and non-verbal communicative means which have effect on communication process. Methods used in this study are studying psychological basis of the processes which take place in foreign language communication; eliciting methodically relevant similarities and differences in verbal and non-verbal means of native and foreign languages. Our study has found out that it is very important to create new behavioral ways and eliminate discrepancy of existing behavioral norms by using elicited methodically relevant similarities and differences in verbal and non-verbal means in native and foreign languages. We have been selecting verbal and non-verbal communication means. Then we contrasted them in different situations using various types of means in dialogues and monologues performed by students of our university. We have divided students into two groups: treatment and control. In the result of practical study, the researchers could found out that students who are less aware of using and expressing communication means, make more common mistakes in speech or can even offend other speaker unwillingly. This study could be used in development of communicative competences by using non-verbal means. It will help people to avoid the situations like culture clash or misunderstanding between specific cultural behaviour. Scientific outcomes are good practical examples for teaching foreign language in linguistic institutions.


Keywords: Development of communicative competence; ; Higher educational institutions; Teaching foreign language; Verbal and non-verbal communication mean


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How to Cite
Tussupova, G., Temirbekova, A. T., & Kerimbayeva, K. K. (2017). Verbal and Non-verbal Means of Communication in Teaching Foreign Language. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(5). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Gulden Tussupova, 11 Kazhymukan str., Astana 010000, The Republic of Kazakhstan

Associate professor

Deparment of foreign languages

Faculty of Philology 


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