Management of Self-Studies during Assignment Hours in Multigrade Classes

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Gulsun Sahan


One of the study types that is particular to multigrade classes is self-study of students. This study style offers a comfortable work environment for teachers who teach all grades together. The method of study that distinguishes multigrade classes from others is that assignment and teacher hours are planned. Assignment hours are the times when students study by themselves. These times should not be considered as the times when students study without purpose, excursively and freely. On the contrary, it is needed to plan and practice learning and teaching process, and then make evaluation through the studies. The purpose of this study is to establish recommendations and practical examples on how the planning, application and evaluation of self-study of students during assignment hours in multigrade classes can be managed.
Keywords: multigrade classes; self-study; practice hours;


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How to Cite
Sahan, G. (2017). Management of Self-Studies during Assignment Hours in Multigrade Classes. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 394–403.


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