Students´ preferences for learning materials in technology-enhanced higher education

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Current trend of using ICT in different areas of modern life is also reflected in the educational process. At present higher education is run in different forms of instruction which range from traditional classes through blended ones to pure online classes. Many research studies also confirm that students like being provided online courses because they appreciate having study materials within their easy reach and being able to see and read once again the lecture texts or other materials from their face-to-face classes. In addition, they can easily access them independently on their location. Designers of these materials try to tailor these study materials to the learners’ needs. Therefore the purpose of this article is to discuss what form of instruction students prefer; and on the basis of a questionnaire survey to explore whether students really welcome
the online learning materials and their likes and dislikes about these study materials which are offered to them.
Keywords: students’ preferences; learning materials; forms of instruction; online learning; survey


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How to Cite
Students´ preferences for learning materials in technology-enhanced higher education. (2017). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 20–28.