Seniors’ attitude to e-health

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Blanka Klimova


Currently,a number of elderly people is rising all over the world.It is expected that by 2020 the percentage of elderly people aged 60+ years will reach 30%of the total number of population living in the developed European countries. This demographic trend brings about other serious issues such as an incidence of aging diseases,out of which the most common is dementia.At present its development can be delayed for some time by medications and by a few other non-invasive alternative approaches (e.g., music therapy or physical activities). Also technological devices can assist elderly people in obtaining information about their state of health and providing information for its improvement. Therefore the purpose of this article is to describe the concept of e-health and discuss seniors’ attitude to this application with highlighting its main benefits.
Keywords: E-health, technological devices, seniors, attitude, benefits.


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How to Cite
Klimova, B. (2017). Seniors’ attitude to e-health. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 66–69.