New approaches and techniques for teaching network courses at the faculty of management science and informatics

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Pavel Segec


We are observing an increase of demands on the knowledge and education level of university graduates not only from theoretical but especially from practical aspects. At universities therefore emerge a need to ensure and organize a simple access to educational and information resources (supporting tools), which should be helpful with a better understanding of the taught topics and also facilitate obtaining practical hands-on experience. In this connection are new information technologies considered as very flexible and useful, and they make the learning process faster and more efficient. The most widespread is still the usage of the Internet along with various on-line tools and remotely managed courses, which help users mainly to acquire theoretical knowledge. Acquiring practical knowledge is still realized through „on site“, instructor led courses. However, here arise various restrictions, either time, personnel or spatial. The article provides and explains the process of creation a new tool, that helps us solving the problem of high utilization of laboratories and limited access to real devices, on which could students obtain skills and fundamental knowledge in the design, implementation and management of computer networks.
Keywords: Computer networks, education, web tool, aplicatinons, knowledge, software simulators, software emulators


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How to Cite
Segec, P. (2017). New approaches and techniques for teaching network courses at the faculty of management science and informatics. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 111–117.