In-class teacher-student communication according to high school students’ perceptions

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Today, schools are looking for ways to increase efficiency while maintaining its educational activities. Increasing
the efficiency and success in schools are associated with different variables, one of them is considered to be
communication in schools. In achieving efficient production and the success of the school, the influence of the
level of teacher-student communication is the topic of research. Communication between teachers and
students, the two most important dynamics of education, plays a key role in achieving the goal. In that respect
this research is considered to be important. The main purpose of this study is to determine how students
perceive teacher-student communication and is to determine the effect of teacher- student communication
according to some variables such as gender, grade level, class size and school type. This research is in survey
model. The working group is 343 high school students in Silvan district in 2014-2015 academic year. In the study,the scale titled "Communication Skills†developed by Tatar (2004) was used. The scale consists of two parts. In the first part, there are questions indicating students’ gender, grade level, classroom population and parents’education status. In the second part of the scale, there are questions revealing the perceptions of students regarding teachers’ communication skills in the classroom. In data evaluation; arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and parametric tests were used in relation to sub-purposes. The results of the study are as follow: the level of teacher-student communication is high, in-class communication is high and teachers’ love of profession is in medium level. Moreover, there were found significant differences in the dimensions of teacher-student communication and in-class communication according to students’gender,school type,grade level and class size variables.
Keywords: Communication, effective communication, teacher-student communication


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How to Cite
In-class teacher-student communication according to high school students’ perceptions. (2017). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 190–198.