Sample application on dramatization in education

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Yuksel Yurtay
Nilüfer Yurtay
Arda Yuksel
Ayca Armay


Developments on the technology have a big effect to change our lifestyle and education methods. It is obvious that effects of games based computer technology is increased on people’s life. Dramatization in Education is the one of the latest studies that is used education materials and dramatization methodologies. The idea of converting the education materials to game, is invented with changing human profiles and their interestsIn these study, it is intended that teaching the Gini Algorithm that is used with dramatization tools which is the one of the most significant usage area in data mining. The dramatization of theorical steps of Gini Algortihm is executed and it is developed with practiced on a group of student. It is measured the effects on students of classical education and dramatization on education with this application.After the measurement, results are discussed, evuluated and shared. The application is designed for mobile devices and it is coded to be used with Android Operating System. Besides, this applicaton is developed computer engineer students based. Instead of to memorize the theroical informations and formulas, the application focused on how people understand the logic.This information becomes permanent information in young minds. Application consists two stages. First one is the preparing of dataset and second stage is the operating the algorithm with the help of prepared datasets and formulas. In the last part of the application, whole main nodes provide to users as decision tree table.

Keywords: Education, dramatization, data mining, gini algorithm.


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How to Cite
Yurtay, Y., Yurtay, N., Yuksel, A., & Armay, A. (2017). Sample application on dramatization in education. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(7), 08–13.