Fictional Illustration Language with Reference to M. C. Escher and Istvan Orosz Examples

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Alternative approaches in illustration language have constantly been developing in terms of material and technical aspects. Illustration languages also differ in terms of semantics and form. Differences in formal expressions for increasing the effect of the subject on the audience lead to diversity in the illustrations. M. C. Escher’s three-dimensional images to be perceived in a two-dimensional environment, together with mathematical and symmetry-oriented studies and the systematic formed by a numerical structure in its background, are associated with the notion of illustration in terms of fictional meaning. Istvan Orosz used the technique of anamorphosis and made it possible for people to see their perception abilities and visual perception sensitivities in different environments created by him. This study identifies new approaches and illustration languages based on the works of both artists, bringing an alternative proposition to illustration languages in terms of systematic sub-structure and fictional idea sketches.

Keywords: Perception, illusion, illustration, fictional illustration, illustration languages, visual perception.


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Fictional Illustration Language with Reference to M. C. Escher and Istvan Orosz Examples. (2017). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(11), 156–163.