An Intelligent Online Environment for Active Music Learning

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Michele Della Ventura


This article analyses the possibilities to improve the performance of the students of a Music High School, creating an online community thorough the online platform OPEN SoundS: a virtual studio where students and teachers can create collaborative musical projects. This project has focused on improving the effectiveness and quality of the learning process. A number of factors contributed to students’ positive perception: a desire to be involved and engaged in a music project, a view that the traditional educational style is not best and the possibility to be a member of a transnational community. This methodology has been tested on a selected group of students of different ages and academic performance.

Keywords: Collaborative learning, learning motivation, music education, online classroom, peer-learning


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How to Cite
Ventura, M. D. (2017). An Intelligent Online Environment for Active Music Learning. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(8), 60–66. (Original work published January 6, 2018)