A comparison with English language and literature department programme competencies

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Figen Kizil
Mustafa Cem Babadogan


The idea of establishing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), aiming to establish a balance between diversity and unity among higher education institutions, started with the Sorbonne Declaration, first published in 1998.The EHEA seeks to ensure that higher education systems are compatible and comparable to one another while preserving their unique differences. This study is aimed to examine the programme competencies of the Department of English Language and Literature. To represent the universe, a state university offering education in English Language and Literature from Turkey’s seven regions are chosen, aimed to create a common language for writing the competencies and correct the existing programme competencies. In order to bring the programmes together on a common ground and to be recognised both nationally and internationally, it is important to ensure that the programme competencies are written in a more simplified way without creating comorbidity and classified in the right sub-categories. The study was carried out with case studies from qualitative research methods.
Keywords: European Higher Education Area, Bologna process, Bologna information system, competence.


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How to Cite
Kizil, F., & Babadogan, M. C. (2018). A comparison with English language and literature department programme competencies. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(5), 78–84. https://doi.org/10.18844/prosoc.v5i5.3679 (Original work published September 13, 2018)

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