Transparency in evaluation through the use of rubrics in university subjects

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Two key elements of educational innovation in evaluation are student participation and transparency. In both cases, rubrics are a powerful resource promoting a transparent and fair evaluation. However, there is still not enough evidence on the levels of student participation in the assessment process. The objective of this study is to ascertain the level of transparency provided by the use of scoring rubrics in university subjects by analysing the relevant factors that are involved in a more significant and participatory evaluation of learning processes. This research is approached from a qualitative perspective through content analysis of in-depth interviews conducted with higher education institutions in Mexico (n = 22). The results and conclusions show the importance of promoting more transparent evaluative practices in order to acquire true formative evaluation.

Keywords: Participation, transparency, higher education, interview, scoring rubrics.


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How to Cite
Transparency in evaluation through the use of rubrics in university subjects. (2019). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 154–164.