Basic knowledge needed to enhance teacher’s efficiency for effective classroom management

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This study focuses on teaching and learning effectiveness in a classroom setting. The article will look at a series of activities that take place in a classroom, and it will guide the classroom teacher. These activities should provide the teacher with the basic knowledge that will enhance the teacher’s efficiency in a classroom setting. The knowledge will, therefore, lead to the achievement of set objectives, maintenance of focus and serve as a reference to the teacher, and the highlight of these activities will enhance content development, proper evaluation, adequate use of instructional resources, good time management, good lesson plan preparation and the use of eye contact. The study adopted the research design, which is a sample of administered. Questionnaires were answered using the mean while the two hypotheses were formulated using the t-test, and the result obtained revealed the effective classroom techniques to include among other things, i.e., constant engagement of student in activities, use of effective communication, stimulating classroom environment, regular use of questions during instruction, teacher’s acting as models and monitoring. Furthermore, the effective classroom management is a powerful motivator for student learning and also recommend services and workings for teachers to get them acquitted with the effective classroom management techniques, in Abia State, Nigeria and even within African Countries to enhance efficiency.

Keywords: teacher, Abia State, African,student


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How to Cite
Basic knowledge needed to enhance teacher’s efficiency for effective classroom management. (2019). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(7), 19–24.