Context-based chemistry problem solving Question-answering strategies for preservice chemistry teachers’

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Canan Kocak Altundag


The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice chemistry teachers’ science expectations on learning science after they completed the introductory Context-Based Chemistry Problem Solving. The sampling of the study consisted of 22 preservice chemistry teachers studying at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education. The scores obtained by participating groups from the ‘Science Expectations Questionnaire’. In addition, preservice teachers’ interviews are given as evidence. As a result of the evaluation of preservice chemistry teachers’ the expectations about learning science on independence, coherence, concept, reality link, math link and effort dimensions, it is thought that there will be important outcomes in terms of improvement of the quality of teacher training at the university and that there will be an important contribution to literature in this sense.


Keywords: Context-based chemistry problem solving, science expectations, teacher education.


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How to Cite
Altundag, C. K. (2020). Context-based chemistry problem solving: Question-answering strategies for preservice chemistry teachers’. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 153–159.