Fabrication and characterization of bamboo fiber- reinforced polyethylene-polystyrene composites using glycerol as plasticizer
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Fiber-reinforced polymer composites are composed of a polymer matrix (PE-PS) combined with a fiber (bamboo fibers) to provide conspicuous reinforcement. In light of recycling plastic and natural fibers, the research aim to fabricate and characterize bamboo fiber-reinforced polyethylene-polystyrene composites using glycerol as plasticizer. Specifically, the study investigated the effect on the physical and mechanical properties and water absorption of the composites by varying the following parameters: substitution of glycerol instead of the usual cooking oil in fabrication of DRM, and bamboo fiber loading. Using 1:3 PE-PS ratio, glycerol incorporation was done in DRM by melting together plastic and styrofoam wastes using a densifying machine at 150ËšC. DRM samples with 70% (w/w) glycerol incorporation were then compared to the original DRM samples with 70% (w/w) cooking oil. The modified DRM were then loaded with 1, 2 and 3% bamboo fiber-reinforcement using a two-roll mill at 200ËšC and compression molding machine at 200ËšC and 50 kg/cm2 for 5 mins in the aluminium mold. The composites were characterized by Universal Testing Machine (tensile strength) following the ASTM standard D638. In addition, water absorption of the fabricated composites was tested using the standard method specified by ASTM D570.The bamboo fiber-reinforced polyethylene-polystyrene composites at 1:3 PE: PS ratio rendered better tensile strength and less water absorbed using 70% (w/w) glycerol as plasticizer and at 1% bamboo fiber loading. For future studies, it is recommended to study the impact of different parameters (glycerol percentage, time, temperature, pressure, fiber type and dimensions, fiber extraction, etc.) in the fabrication of the fiber-reinforced recycled plastic composites. Other characterizations of the fabricated plastic composite including thermal properties, leaching and biodegradation experiments and compressive and flexural strengths can also be done.
Keywords: Fiber-reinforced polymer, plasticizer, composites.
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