Ways to increase the quality of didactic interactions

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Anna Kozuh
Jelena Maksimovic


                The paper analyses the directions of the recent research on improving the methods and quality of didactic interactions. The review and analysis of the literature shows changes of a behavioral, social, as well as informational and communicational character that have occurred in education for over a dozen years. Based on the literature review, the authors analyse the ways of improving didactic competences of the teacher. They indicate that the teacher equipped with the appropriate knowledge in this field not only masters the discipline more effectively but is, above all, more effective in any didactic situation. The studies also show the directions of the teacher's needs and their incompetence in some areas. They enable the development of new strategies for the teacher-student interaction and become an important element in the preparation of the content of new training programs. Increasing the quality of didactic interactions is a process of the development of a teacher as a practitioner who continuously analyses and reflects on their work. The authors believe that the didactic interactions and techniques discussed in it favour profound reflection on the difficulties encountered in education and assist teachers in regaining self-trust and managing to create more effective didactic activities.

                Key words: advising, evaluation, coaching, didactic interactions, reflection, teachers


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How to Cite
Kozuh, A., & Maksimovic, J. (2020). Ways to increase the quality of didactic interactions. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 12(3), 179–191. https://doi.org/10.18844/wjet.v12i3.4999