Digital transformation of Russian society as a condition of forming young teachers' professional identity in a big city

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Yury G. Volkov
Galina I. Chikarova


Digitalization affects every sphere of life including education. However, for it to be beneficial, it needs transfomation in order to fit the current situation or changes that have occurred in human life over a time.The purpose of this research is to consider the impact of the digital transformation of Russian society on the formation of young teachers' professional identity. The constructivist approach and the "soft concepts" of identity that have developed within its framework, serve as the methodological basis of the proposed research. The results of the applied authors' sociological study conducted in 2020 serve as the empirical basis of this study. The method of collecting information was an in-depth interview. The reseach concluded that digitalization has a positive impact on formation of professional identity of young teachers. We also note that, despite the fact that the forced transition to online education has increased the prestige of teaching, digitalization cannot be considered as an independent factor that is able to change the professional space so that it becomes more attractive for young professionals.


Keywords: mass digitalization, forced onlineization, digitalization of school education, online education, professional identity, young teachers, Russian megapolis.


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How to Cite
Volkov, Y. G. ., & Chikarova, G. I. . (2021). Digital transformation of Russian society as a condition of forming young teachers’ professional identity in a big city. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 13(2), 288–296.