Building smart universities based on the Internet of Things and information technology service management

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Munirul Abidin
Imam Muslimin
Shoffin Nahwa Utama
Aqilla Pradanimas


This study aimed to explain whether academic community readiness, the Internet of Things, and Information Technology Service Management significantly affect university performance towards a smart university. This research also aimed to examine whether Information Technology Service Management mediates the relationship between academic community readiness and the Internet of Things with university performance towards a smart university. The study was conducted with a quantitative approach with a correlational type at several universities in Indonesia and Malaysia. The research sample consisted of 492 people, comprised of students, lecturers, and staff. Data were analyzed using the SmartPLS program version 3.2.9. The results showed that academic community readiness, the Internet of Things, and Information Technology Service Management significantly affect university performance towards a smart university. This study also found that exemplary Information Technology Service Management implementation can mediate the relationship between academic community readiness and IoT with university performance towards a smart university. This research explains the importance of tertiary institutions measuring the preparedness of their academic community to become an innovative community to support the success of the smart university program. This research suggests that the implementation of the Internet of Things and Information Technology Service Management is an essential and primary indicator in supporting the achievement of the smart university program.

Keywords: Community readiness; Internet of Things; smart campus; smart university; university performance.


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How to Cite
Abidin, M., Muslimin, I., Utama, S. . N., Pradanimas , A. ., & ALI, H. B. M. . (2024). Building smart universities based on the Internet of Things and information technology service management. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 16(4), 311–326.
Author Biographies

Imam Muslimin, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Faculty of Islamic Education 

Shoffin Nahwa Utama, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Faculty of Science and Technology

Aqilla Pradanimas , Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Faculty of Islamic Law

HAIRUDDIN BIN MOHD ALI, International Islamic University Malaysia

Departement of Islamic Education