The The relationship between teacher autonomy and teacher’s sense of self-efficacy

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Hadi Farjami
Ehsan Kazemi


The present study aims to investigate the relationship between teacher autonomy and teacher’s sense of self-efficacy, the two self-perceived constructs which turn to be the major concerns of current educational practitioners. A total number of 100 EFL teachers (male and female), who taught in English institutes, were participated voluntarily. The researchers employed a couple of self-reported questionnaires, Teacher Autonomy Scale and Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale. The two questionnaires were administered to teachers. After gathering the raw data from the questionnaires, the SPSS software was employed to have some statistical and interpretable data. The obtained correlation results indicated that there was a negative reversed relationship between the two variables; in other words, more teacher autonomy leads to a lower level of self-efficacy. The presumption is that when you are more autonomous in your teaching practice, you will feel more efficient. The results of this study are contrary to this presumption.

Keywords: EFL teachers, teacher autonomy, teacher’s sense of self-efficacy


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How to Cite
Farjami, H., & Kazemi, E. (2018). The The relationship between teacher autonomy and teacher’s sense of self-efficacy. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 01–10.