An Investigation into Inductive and Deductive Methods in Teaching Grammar to German EFL Learners: A Comparative Study

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Mehrdad Vasheghani Farahani


 The present study was a comparative analysis of the inductive and the deductive methods in teaching English. Indeed, the major aim of the study was to compare the efficiency of these two approaches in teaching English grammar by inspecting students’ performance. To this purpose, two identical groups of German pre-service teachers were randomly selected to participate in this research. Then, two English grammar topics (future tense and conditional sentences) were taught to them by the usage of PPP method as the deductive approach and the guided discovery technique as the inductive approach. Regarding the methodology, the design of the study was comparison group design (between-subjects design) and the TTT (Test-Teach-Test) method was obtained in which a grammar pre-test and post-test comparison were executed to check the level of improvement in the students. The achieved scores in the tests indicated that both the inductive and the deductive methods were equal in terms of efficiency.


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How to Cite
Farahani, M. V. (2018). An Investigation into Inductive and Deductive Methods in Teaching Grammar to German EFL Learners: A Comparative Study. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(2), 76–91.