Developing intonation skills in English: A systemic functional linguistics perspective

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Renata Fabiana Cardinali
Maria Celina Barbeito


This paper expl ores whether the teaching of English intonati on wi thin the framework of sys temi c functional linguisti cs (SFL)
contributes to the development of intona tion skills of Argentine Spanish speakers to become teachers of English as a Foreign
Language . The findings of the study tha t focused on the oral produ ction of s tudents in the fi rs t course of phoneti cs in the
programme offered a t the Na tional Uni versi ty of Rio Cuarto are presented. This paper reports the anal ysis of recordings of
fi rs t-yea r s tudents reading an English text aloud and the resul ts obtained in the pre- and pos t-tes ts reveal tha t there was
improvement in students ’ oral production such as in tone sys tem considering the three sys tems of intona tion i n SFL after a
series of training sessions. Hence , this approach seems promising for the developmen t of intona tion skills and oral skills in
foreign language lea rners . These results favour for teacher trainers as well as for trainers

Keywords: EFL, intonation, sys temi c functional linguis tics , teacher training.


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How to Cite
Cardinali, R. F., & Barbeito, M. C. (2018). Developing intonation skills in English: A systemic functional linguistics perspective. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 11–20.