Gender Differences in English Proficiency among Early, Middle and Late Immersion Undergraduate Students: The Role of Individual Difference Factors

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Olusiji Lasekan


A number of studies conducted across di fferent levels of education have reported that female learners’ capacity to learn
second language successfully is higher than male learners’. However, few wri ters have been able to question and investigate
the effects of di fferent levels of immersions and va rious indi vidual fa ctors on male and female learners ’ English proficiency at
university level . The aim of this study is to examine how gender differences in English proficiency is influenced by individual
difference factors among early, middle and late immersion undergraduate students . Both qualitative and quantitative
methods were used ininvestigating 221 undergraduate students from various colleges in the city of Gulbarga , India. The
results reveal that the female learner’s higher English proficiency compared with the male learners’ is partl y caused by their stronger attitude toward English language education and self-confidence to learn the language successfully. Implications of
the results and future research directions are also presented.
Keywords : Gender differences, English proficiency, immersion, India .


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How to Cite
Lasekan, O. (2018). Gender Differences in English Proficiency among Early, Middle and Late Immersion Undergraduate Students: The Role of Individual Difference Factors. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 29–42.