Genre analysis of artificial intelligence research article abstracts:Local versus international journal Genre analysis

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The generic structure of research article (RA) abstracts has been studied across disciplines and cultures. Taking a different approach, the current study aimed to explore and compare the constituent moves of RA abstracts in a local and an international journal in the field of Artificial Intelligence. To this end, Bhatia’s model of four-move abstracts was applied to 30 RA abstracts, 15 from the local and 15 from the international journal, published in 2017. The results revealed that the Methods and Results moves were obligatory in both local and international abstracts while the Conclusion move was absent in most RA abstracts in both local and international journals. The findings unfolded the obligatory nature of the Purpose move in international abstracts as well. The results can carry some pedagogical implications for academic writing instructors in order to enhance their applicants’ understanding of the generic norms of academic discourse communities.

Keywords: Academic writing, artificial intelligence, genre analysis, moves, research article abstracts.


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How to Cite
Genre analysis of artificial intelligence research article abstracts:Local versus international journal: Genre analysis. (2020). Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 10(2), 111–119.