Innovative, creative VARK learning styles improvement strategies

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Ezzat Tabatabei


Learning styles are different ways of understanding information. There are a lot of models and theories about learning styles one of which is the learning styles of VARK_ Visual, Audio, Read/Write, Kinaesthetic. Learners may have diverse mental abilities, affective orientations, motivations, and perseverance, but they can all use productive creative strategies. Also, significant research indicates that student self-disclosure plays an important role in the learning experience and producing positive learning outcomes. If student’s self-disclosure is based on their learning style, best results can be achieved. The main purpose of this article is to explain a scheme for improving the process of learning. In deeper learning uses their knowledge and skills in a way that prepare students for real life. So student self-disclosure with using senses according to VARK learning style leads to a deeper learning.


Key words: learning styles VARK; self-disclosure; deeper learning; learning style


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How to Cite
Tabatabei, E. (2018). Innovative, creative VARK learning styles improvement strategies. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(3), 87–93.