Using literature to enhance language skills for EFL learners

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Soraya Hamane
Siham Guetatlia


The integration of literature contributes to the development of the thinking process as well as to the cultural background of learners. This paper aims to investigate the role of literature in enhancing and developing language skills; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. As an attempt to make learning effective, a student-centered approach will be adopted. The paper first explores the reasons for choosing literature as a source for language learning, and then the challenges that face English Foreign Language learners in classrooms. As an attempt to facilitate learning, some creative ways will be included. The findings reveal that developing language skills through literature depends on the techniques and strategies that teachers use in the classroom. The study suggests that teachers should plan a new curriculum that places learners at the core of the learning process.

Keywords: challenges; EFL learners; language skills; literature.


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How to Cite
Hamane, S., & Guetatlia, S. (2022). Using literature to enhance language skills for EFL learners. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(1), 30–37.
Author Biography

Soraya Hamane, University of Oran 2 Mohamed ben Ahmed, Oran, ALgeria

Associate Professor (MCA)

Speciality: Sociolinguistics, ESP and Didactics.