EFL instructors’ scaffolding strategies use in writing classrooms: The case of Wollega University

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Nesibu Gudina
Melaku Wakuma


Second language acquisition is facilitated when teachers provide the necessary assistance for the learners through the process of scaffolding. The study aimed at identifying the scaffolding strategies EFL instructors use in writing classrooms at Wollega University. Six EFL teachers were video recorded while teaching writing to first-year students in Communicative English Skills II. The video-recorded data were transcribed and analyzed using Open code project software. Interview data were also used to strengthen the teachers’ classroom activities. The data from the interview were analyzed through narration according to specific themes. The result indicates that the instructors use scaffolding strategies like a questioning, explanation, inviting learners, repeating students’ utterances, praising learners, giving instruction, recasting, directing students’ thinking, giving feedback, use of L1, and others. Contrary to the use of scaffolding strategies, the misuse of the strategies has to be given attention to enhance its usage.

Keywords: Interaction; scaffolding; strategies; writing.


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How to Cite
Gudina, N., & Wakuma, M. . (2022). EFL instructors’ scaffolding strategies use in writing classrooms: The case of Wollega University. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(4), 222–238. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjflt.v12i4.6804
Author Biography

Melaku Wakuma, Addis Ababa University, ELT Department, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

associate Professor at ELT department, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia