A needs-based English for specific purposes syllabus design for archaeology students

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Nassima Hamza-Cherif


Learning the English language is important for archaeologists as they need to be good at communicating with a large range of audiences. This paper aims to suggest an ESP syllabus that is suitable for archaeologists. To reach this end a case study of Archaeology Master One students at the University of Tlemcen (Algeria) was undertaken. First, these students’ needs were identified and analyzed. Then, according to the findings, an appropriate syllabus with adequate tasks was suggested. To fulfill the first step of this research and analyze students’ needs, a student questionnaire and three structured interviews were used. The results revealed that in terms of learning needs, archaeology students were highly motivated towards learning English, yet they lacked self-confidence. Regarding the target needs, they needed the development of the four language skills. Thus, archaeology students required appropriate English language tasks to achieve communicative purposes. Accordingly, the English for Archaeology syllabus with appropriate tasks was suggested to answer students’ English language needs.

Keywords: Archaeology; ESP; English; language skills; Syllabus design; teaching task.


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How to Cite
Hamza-Cherif, N. (2022). A needs-based English for specific purposes syllabus design for archaeology students. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(4), 249–266. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjflt.v12i4.6895