Exploring the metacognitive reading strategy awareness in promoting students’ reading comprehension skills

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Benmansour Souheylaa
Amina Bouali


The fundamental role of reading comprehension is to promote a successful learning process and to enhance some Meta-cognitive reading strategies that are likely to raise learners' awareness in mainstream education. In this vein, the present paper endeavors to explore the effect of implementing a Metacognitive Reading Strategy on EFL students’ reading comprehension skills. To fulfill this study, the researchers opted for a group of 43 EFL students enrolled in the University of Oran2 as a sampling of this research to answer a structured questionnaire employed to measure students’ Metacognitive reading strategies. The results have shown that EFL students chiefly use problem-solving skills, global reading strategies, and support reading strategies to prop up their reading comprehension. Significant skill, cognitive and Metacognitive strategies form an ideal complement that helps to stimulate reading skills at higher-level complexity and L2 proficiency in general.

Keywords: EFL; Meta-cognitive; problem-solving skills; reading comprehension; reading strategies.


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How to Cite
Souheylaa, B., & Bouali, A. (2022). Exploring the metacognitive reading strategy awareness in promoting students’ reading comprehension skills. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(4), 203–212. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjflt.v12i4.7400