The Algerian EFL teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards online assessment feasibility and Impediment

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Ammar Benabed


The current investigation revolves around online assessment feasibility and its practicability issues during the Coronavirus pandemic. Within this context, this study precisely aims at getting tertiary EFL teachers’ and students’ voices about to what extent online assessment can be ineffective or effective in an e- teaching/learning environment. To this end, a mixed-method design is used encompassing three research instruments, a questionnaire addressed to 50 second-year master didactics students at Ibn Khaldoun university of Tiaret, an interview, conducted with 5 EFL teachers from the same university, and a corpus analysis allowing for a comparative study of face-to-face and online exams’ results. The triangulated analysis of the gleaned data reveals that the majority of the respondents and the interviewees recognize the importance and efficiency of the new mode of assessment. Assuredly, the comparative study displays that online assessment was much better than paper-pen-based exams in results. 

Keywords: Assessment; digital literacy; e-learning; Online assessment;  technological devices.


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How to Cite
Benabed, A. (2022). The Algerian EFL teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards online assessment feasibility and Impediment. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(2), 79–94.