Article Processing Charge

All articles published in IJ-CISS are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. This includes provision of online tools for editors and authors, reviewers, editors and reviewers progress payments, article copyediting, production and hosting, DOI, liaison with abstracting and indexing services, and customer services.

As a matter of ethics, article Processing Charge is paid when the article is uploaded to the journal management system by the author. No editorial evaluation and review process are initiated without the payment. This payment does not indicate that the article uploaded by the author will certainly be published. This payment is only related to the article processing process.

As per the resolution passed by Turkish Higher Education Council at the General Assembly dated March 03, 2019, an article published in IJ-CISS can be included in the applications (declaration) for associate professorship since the journal falls under the clause of "Journals that charge fees -regardless of acceptance/rejection condition- during application".

Türkiye Yükseköğretim Kurulu’nun 07.03.2019 tarihli Genel Kurulunda aldığı karar gereÄŸi, IJ-CISS’de yayınlanan bir makale “Makale baÅŸvurusu sırasında -kabul/red ÅŸartına baÄŸlı olmaksızın- ücret alan dergiler”, maddesini karşıladığından doçentlik baÅŸvurularında (beyannamede) kullanılabilir.  

Hangi dergiler Doçentlik BaÅŸvuru Åžartlarında( Beyannamede) kullanılamaz? Lütfen buraya tıkalyınız ve 44. maddeyi okuyunuz. 

Each manuscript sent to the IJ-CISS as of 20 October 2018, applies for EUR 350 to be issued. Article Processing Charge does not cover the articles submitted before this date.

     Bank Payment

  • If you prefer to make your Article Processing Charge payment via bank, Please click here for BANK TRANSFER PAYMENT information.
  • When you make your payment please scan document or download from your bank and send to editor.cjes@gmail.comand also do not forget to write journal name and paper ID.

     Credit Card Payment

WhatsApp: +90 5428566055

Article Publication Charge

IJ-CISS does not charge article publishing fees.