Virtual and augmented reality technologies as an innovative tool in education

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Nadezhda Sivrikova


The process of introducing digital technologies into education has received a strong impetus, which is no longer possible to stop. Therefore, it is now important to analyze scientific research on innovations related to the introduction of new technologies into education. This work examines the experience of introducing virtual and augmented reality technologies into education. An analysis of 31 literature review on the experience of introducing VR and AR technologies into education showed that VR allows the formation of complex specific skills without risks; VR has a large motivational impact associated with immersion and real-time presence effects; there are differences in attitudes to VR technology in education related to age. The results of numerous studies are summarized and systematized in the following sections: classification of VR technologies in educational; the main directions of using VR technologies in education; conditions for introducing VR into the educational process; prospects for using VR.


Keywords: virtual reality, augmented reality, technologies in educational



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