The education during the announcement period of republic within the construction and transformation period

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B. Mehmet Bozaslan
Emel Çokoğullar


Every society is bound to struggle to create the conditions and mechanisms in convenient with the own life experience within the historical perspective. This struggle aims to provide the social order or change the existing social structure. The institution of education becomes the primary actor of changing in line with shaping the individual targets. After the establishment of the Republic in 1923, the education system has been reorganized and determined its own principles in order to enhance the mission of social change, transformation and construction. Therefore, the education system has transformed into a mixed, compulsory, rationalist and secular character and hence the interruption has been witnessed with the creating of new social structure by liberating from the traditional forms.

Keywords: the announcement of republic, transformation, education, construction, social structure


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How to Cite
Bozaslan, B. M., & Çokoğullar, E. (2015). The education during the announcement period of republic within the construction and transformation period. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 1(2), 53–60.