A semester of home-classroom

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Marta Graciela Caligaris
Georgina Beatriz Rodraguez
Lorena Fernanda Laugero


The 2020 academic year began in an unusual way. After a week of traditional classes at San Nicolas Regional School, National Technological University, Argentina, teachers and students had to go into a mandatory lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this paper is to discuss the experience and show the obtained results in a Numerical Analysis course of an engineering career. An online alternative was designed for the Numerical Analysis courses, and the second week of the course, the tasks in the virtual classroom started. The content of each module was presented in a series of lessons and weekly assignments were proposed throughout the semester. Students had to sit for two assessments, covering two topics each, as was usually done in face-to-face classes. The experience was demanding, for both professors and students, but good outcomes were achieved. This paper recommends that everyone involved in teaching and learning has had to adapt, given the circumstances.

Keywords: Numerical Analysis, online course, assessment, home-classroom, semester.


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How to Cite
Caligaris, M. G., Rodraguez, G. B. ., & Laugero, L. F. (2020). A semester of home-classroom. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 7(2), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijire.v7i2.5431