An assessment of the impact of demographic variables on students’ economic performance

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Ado Abdu Bichi


Economics as a subject is regarded as the bedrock of all management and social science-based disciplines. The persistently low level of students’ achievement in Economics in senior secondary school (SSS II) examinations has become a thing of great concern to all stakeholders. This study examined students’ performance in the SSS II Economics qualifying examination in Kano State and the influence of gender and schools’ nature on their performances in Economics. An ex-post-facto design of descriptive research was adopted for the study. A proforma was used to collect data from a sample of 300 students, selected using a stratified random sampling procedure from the secondary schools in Kano State, Nigeria. The data collected were the students’ performances in the Economics achievement test. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and an independent sample t-test. Overall, the results showed that students performed above average and a significant gender difference exists in Economics performance.



Keywords: Economics, qualifying examination, students’ performance;


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How to Cite
Abdu Bichi, A. (2022). An assessment of the impact of demographic variables on students’ economic performance. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 9(1), 66–73.
Author Biography

Ado Abdu Bichi, Northwest University, Kano, Nigeria

Ado Abdu Bichi is a Lecturer in Measurements and Evaluation at the Northwest University, Kano Nigeria. Bichi is the Founder and Chief Consultant of the Future-Care Educational Consultants, based in Nigeria. He is Currently a Research, Assessment, Testing, Applied Measurement & Statistics Consultant to Several Governmental and Non-governmental Organizations in Nigeria and Abroad. Bichi Specializes in Psychometric, with Specific Focus on Item Response Theory (IRT), Instrumentation, Test Development and Analysis as well as Trait Measurements