A total quality approach to university education in an information and technological age

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Mohammad Omar AL-Momani
Insaf George Alrabadi


With education's restrictions for centuries, it is no longer a service issue but a national security issue, and investment in people is linked to the development of the people’s productive, economic, and military capabilities, and the issue has become the preparation and rehabilitation of capable youth armed with science, knowledge, and technology. This study aims to identify the requirements for the application of total quality in the university education system in light of the information and technological revolution. The qualitative analytical descriptive approach was used, the limitations of which are limited to higher education institutions. The study concluded the need for a feasible and effective educational system, centered on the student through his interaction and active participation, in which computer technologies and information and communication technology represented in local networks and the global Internet play a promising role based on the concept and philosophy of total quality in education.

Keywords: Information technology; technological revolution; total quality, university educational system.


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How to Cite
AL-Momani, M. O., & Alrabadi, I. G. . (2022). A total quality approach to university education in an information and technological age. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 9(2), 269–287. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijire.v9i2.7866