The role of civic education teachers in managing local wisdom and improving education for the love of the country in Indonesia

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Apeles Lexi Lonto
Ruth Sriana Umbase
Mohammad Salehudin


The purpose of this research was to identify the function of civic education teachers in managing local wisdom and increasing the number of students who care about their country. This study took a quantitative approach and used a descriptive survey method. The study included 49 civic education teachers, both male and female. A questionnaire that contained five scales was constructed for this study: teacher activities, care, attitude and self-sacrifice, learning and achievement, and local wisdom. All scales and question items in this study showed very good outcomes or significant effects, according to the results of the analysis using descriptive statistics with the statistical analysis software. The teacher's role in learning civics education subjects in schools and the classrooms runs properly and very well in realizing students who love their homeland as learning goals.

Keywords: Civic education; local wisdom; love for the homeland; teachers.


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How to Cite
Lonto, A. L., Umbase, R. S., & Salehudin, . M. (2022). The role of civic education teachers in managing local wisdom and improving education for the love of the country in Indonesia. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 9(1), 114–125.