Mathematical process skills and cooperation character of elementary school students on simple flat building materials

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Kamid Kamid
Dwi Agus Kurniawan
Rahmat Perdana
Yulita Dwi Citra
Adriyan Ardi Rahman
Putri Fadillah


This research was conducted to look at differences in mathematical process skills and the cooperative character of students and the influence between process skills and the character of cooperation. This research was conducted using mixed methods. The instruments in this study were interview sheets and questionnaires to determine process skills and the character of cooperation.  Quantitative data was analyzed using the statistical analysis software application and qualitative data using Miles and Huberman. The sample used was 40 students with 20 students in each class. From the results obtained, there is no significant difference between students' mathematical processing skills. It was also found that there was an influence between the nature of collaboration and students' processing abilities. It can be concluded that there is an influence of process skills on the character of student cooperation.

Keywords: Building; building material; mathematics; process skills; simple flat


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How to Cite
Kamid, K. ., Kurniawan, D. A., Perdana, R., Citra, Y. D., Rahman, A. A., & Fadillah, P. (2023). Mathematical process skills and cooperation character of elementary school students on simple flat building materials. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 10(2), 132–145.