A Content Analysis Concerning the Studies On Challenges Faced By Novice Teachers
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the studies concerning the challenges faced by novice teachers in terms of various aspects and compare the challenges according to location of the studies conducted in Turkey and on abroad. 30 research studies obtained full-text form were included in detailed analysis. This is a descriptive study based on qualitative research method. In the analysis of the studies, a matrix (content analysis form) was prepared consisting of categories such as publication language, publication type, year, method, design, sample size, data collection methods, data analysis techniques and challenges faced by novice teachers. Then, studies were analyzed based on this content analysis form and the findings were presented accordingly. In addition, descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and graphics were also used by using SPSS-18 program. As a result of the study, it was found that 17 of the studies were written in English, 13 of them were written in Turkish language. Of all the 30 studies; 22 studies were article, five of them were dissertation and three of them were master thesis. Half of the studies were designed as case study and almost half of them were designed as descriptive survey method. In half of the studies, qualitative research method was preferred. The most used data collection tools are survey and interview form; the most used data analysis techniques are descriptive statistics (percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation). Most of the studies were conducted on small samples. Furthermore, it was found in the studies that novice teachers faced various challenges which were grouped under four themes named as instructional challenges, relational challenges, adaptation challenges, physical infrastructure and facilities of the school. This research is expected to determine the challenges faced by novice teachers in a broad sense based on the findings of the studies and guide for the development of induction programs.
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