Media literacy from the eyes of children: an interdisciplinary approach

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Tugba Selanik Ay
Nil Duban


The aim of the current study was to analyse the interdisciplinary media literacy activities in terms of the views of primary school students. The study was conducted in the spring semester of the 2015–2016 academic year. The participants of the study were 90 fourth-grade students. The study’s implementation process conducted in the courses of social studies, science and Turkish Language as an interdisciplinary approach. For the gains of each course, various materials were developed. In addition to these materials, various media products were also used. The data of the study were collected through student diaries and interviews conducted with 20 participants. These data were analysed through descriptive analysis. The findings of the study showed that interdisciplinary media literacy activities were influential in improving the media literacy skills of students in the courses of science, social studies and Turkish language and that these activities contributed to students in terms of different domains.


Keywords: Media literacy skills, social studies, science, Turkish language, interdisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite
Selanik Ay, T., & Duban, N. (2018). Media literacy from the eyes of children: an interdisciplinary approach. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(3), 372–387.